Thomas Mason
英國頂級襯衫面料廠商 Thomas Mason 始創於1796年,是英國皇室專用襯衫生產商的唯一面料供應商。Thomas Mason 生產最高品質的襯衫面料,彰顯大膽的風格,同時展現經典而永恆的格調。在高級襯衫面料中,Thomas Mason 享有超過250年的卓著聲望,是英國傳統和英式優雅的代表性品牌。
The top British shirt fabric manufacturer Thomas Mason was founded in 1796 and is the only fabric supplier for the British luxury bespoke men's clothier. Thomas Mason makes fabrics of the highest quality, flaunting a bold style and timeless elegance. Thomas Mason has enjoyed an outstanding reputation for more than 250 years and is a representative brand of British tradition and British elegance.