Scabal 於1938年創立,是全球知名的英國布料品牌。除了出品高質布料,更勇於研發新技術,不但紡織出最高支數(250's) 的羊毛布料,更結合黃金、鑽石等奢華的材質,編織出如藝術品般的面料,因而擁有「面料之王」的美譽,號稱 「金錢能買到的最好面料」。Scabal 的分銷商都需經過嚴格審查,因此,只會於有實力的訂造西裝店看到 Scabal 的原廠布辦,而 The Lancelot 則是香港少數能提供 Scabal 給客人訂製的專業訂造西裝店。
Founded in 1938, Scabal produces the finest fabric to tailors and garment makers internationally.
Scabal has stood at the forefront of innovation and sophistication in weaving, crafted the record-breaking fine fabric (250's) and mastered the skill in interweaving precious materials such as gold and diamond into their luxury cloth. Scabal is known as the "king of fabrics" and "the best fabric money can buy".
As Scabal is very selective in its choice of distributors, only reputable tailors can obtain the original Scabal bunch book. The Lancelot is one of the very few tailors in Hong Kong that can provide Scabal to our customers.
The Complete Story and History of Scabal