Loro Piana
始於 1924 年,Loro Piana 是意大利質量品質的代表,亦是全球最大的羊絨(Cashmere) 製造品牌。Loro Piana 一直以 Cashmere 為設計的重點,新設計的衣飾總會有 Cashmere 的成分, 跟 Cashmere 彷佛畫上了一個隱形的等號。Loro Piana 一直作風低調,不做廣告,不找明星代言,卻一直活躍於上流圈子,全因它以最高品質的羊毛和手工,令每件的出品都如藝術品般精緻,穩佔奢華精品市場的領導地位。
Loro Piana has been the representative of Italian quality and the world's largest manufacturer of cashmere since 1924. Cashmere is the focus of Loro Piana as there'll always be the element of cashmere in their latest designs. Loro Piana seldom advertise and rarely find celebrities for endorsement, but is very popular among the upper circles. Crafted with the highest quality wool, they produce exquisite pieces of art and has been the leader of the luxury boutique market.