Ermenegildo Zegna
Ermenegildo Zegna 是世界頂級奢華男士服飾品牌的翹楚,有超過100年的悠久歷史,代表了當代意大利品味及生活文化。品牌於 1910 年從意大利北部的特里韋羅 (Trivero) 發跡,一直在致力研究和提升面料的性能和功能,以其優雅、古樸的風格風靡全球,被廣大客戶稱為「永不過時」。
Ermenegildo Zegna is the world leader in luxury menswear with over 100 years of rich heritage, it represents contemporary Italian taste and lifestyle. Ermenegildo Zegna started in Trivero Northern Italy in 1910, with the dream to create the most beautiful fabrics in the world. It has been devoted to research and improve the performance and function of fabrics. Its elegance and quaint style has captured the hearts of gentlemen and is widely recognised as the brand of classic and timeless.
The Complete Story and History of Ermenegildo Zegna